
24 August 2007

Blog Rated

With thanks to Roman (Lighthiker) for the Blogging addiction gizmo and Duncan (Aktoman) for the Rating site!

The addiction site is good fun - try it!

The 'G' rating means that anyone can read my site as there are no 'bad words' in it - despite what a comment poster wrote when I was on the walk!

Mingle2 -

72%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?



  1. Lawd sakes. I am only 15% addicted to Blog. But 100% addicted to lurve...

    Connie (Riot Grrls 4 Dubya)

  2. I am 47% addicted. Not bad for someone who doesn't even have a blog of their own!


Because of spammers, I moderate all comments, so don't worry if your comment seems to have disappeared; It has been sent to me for approval. As soon as I see it, I'll deal with it straight away.
Thank you!