
24 January 2007


Readers of Darren’s TGO Challenge Blog (see ‘Great Places to Visit) will have noticed that he has now finished writing up his first Challenge route sheet for his walk with his mate Dave Mycroft.

Darren is a big powerful chap – I remember his exploits on the Ice Wall at Ellis Brigham’s a couple of years ago. As my mate Phil says, “He’s awfully keen on vertical climbing.”

The lads’ first five days of the Challenge has 8,000m of ascent. Breaking yourselves in easily then? Phew!

Still, he has youth on his side and with his mate Dave’s expertise in navigation (See recent copies of TGO) at least they won’t be getting themselves lost.

All power to you, Darren. That’s a BIG walk!

1 comment:

  1. Alan,
    that ice climbing was fun. I did enjoy it alot. And what a great memory you have.
    Wish I could take the credit for the route, but I just wrote it up, and the foul weather alternatives. Dave did the hard bit.
    And we only pass one distillery :(


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