
02 April 2007

DAY 33: Carmel to Chester: Evening Report

Today: 19.3 miles
Total so far: 513 miles
Percentage Completed: 30.7%


(Click map to enlarge)

Flint: A bit like Prestatyn, Welshpool and Crediton. Places full of love and joy.

When you leave Flint you are at least met by Connah's Quay - a place more honest in its endeavours to be the world's centre of power production, steel making and the roundabout for the universe. It is a buzzing place that has reason to be.

You soon leave it behind as you follow the National Cycle Route Number 5 (sounds awfully “Five Year Plan”, comrades) across the Dee on a fine arched steel set of trusses and out into the countryside on the route for Chester. It is a metalled track all the way and hard on the feet, but the afternoon is broken up by a nice chat with three young lads pushing their bikes as one had a puncture, and then, at the defaced sign welcoming you to England, two young girls - one trying to teach the other to throw stones - with spectacularly unsuccessful, hilarious results.

Lots of dog walkers, but two stick in my mind - two large young men with pug ugly fighting dogs on fat leather straps pulling them along. I was not sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing I had seen. At least they were getting fresh air, and they were keeping their owners from brawling in the streets.

I was so exhausted when I finally found my bed for the night that the socks are still stewing on the bathroom floor with the windows wide open and door tightly shut on them. They can wait until the morning.

I need my rest day tomorrow: I am totally knackered here!

1 comment:

  1. Nearly a third the way through already!! Well done Uncle Alan, sounds like you're having a great time.


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