
06 November 2007

OS Maps on my Blog - Developments


The last post has been spotted by the powers that be - and I have found myself mentioned on the ePSIplus website.

If you take a peek, I am guided to the OPSI website. This in turn led me to talk over the phone to the OPSI in Norwich, who very kindly told me that the only people who can give guidance' were the Ordnance Survey themselves, who the OPSI have granted control over their own information.

Now this seems strange to me, as they are the people who are trying to limit the public use of the data. The OPSI seem to think that I should need a license, and are frankly amazed that my Anquet maps don't say I need one. (Mind you, the very nice chap I spoke to had not heard of Anquet)

My position still remains unchanged: I see no reason why I cannot display my maps I have purchased. I have spent a good few hours searching my Anquet maps for any sort of limitation to my use of the data I have bought, so as far as I am concerned I have done enough, and shall continue to try and put my maps onto my blog at first, then later on a website.

The outdoor bloggers and others have been incredibly kind and have let me know ways to do this, and so when time allows (a very precious commodity at the moment) I will have a bash at getting a map with my route on onto my blog.

I will try to get in touch with the Ordnance Survey to get their take on the situation. If I fail to get satisfaction I will be making a formal complaint to the OPSI.

Don't you all find this incredible? I am just boggled by it all.

Only in England, eh?


  1. Alan,
    Scanning my server logs, I noticed a link to my blog from OPSI. To be honest I had never heard of them, which is surprising given my interest in these things.

    Unfortunately as things stand, as they will no doubt point out, the maps are just like any other copyrighted material such as music tracks or photos.

    I'm not surprised that the OPSI man was amazed about Anquet failing to mention that a license is required. I know for a fact that the mapping software people don't understand this correctly themselves: there was an exchange of posts on the Memory Map support forum a while ago on this subject, and MM initially stated that a license is not required to display map segments - they were wrong. After making some enquiries they backed off from that position after a few posts, and quoted the official terms which limit the display of mapping to 10 static images - which is basically the same as the free GetAMap service.

  2. Hugh Westacott may be a good source of information. He has a website 'walkwithwestacott'.
    All power to your cause Alan.

  3. Hi - I really like Hugh's site - it seems he has a pretty nice life. I cannot see any reference to my problems with the O.S. though. Have I missed something here? (Not known for being particulalry quick in thses matters - it has to be said!)


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