
03 May 2008

Making ready Mission Control

Mission Control has been a quiet place since the BigWalk. It has been on 'standby,' with just the little red light glowing near the 'On' button. There have been occasional forays to the Great Outdoors where life briefly flickered, but on the whole, Mission Control has been a quiet backwater.

But times are changing: Lord Elpus has beavered away and I am the recipient of emails and spreadsheets detailing booked transport, B&B's, hotels and food parcels. With five days to our departure to Ardrishaig, it was time to read them all this morning. There is a startling admission to make:

I am not ready.

According to Lord E, I have five dinners, nine lunches and eight breakfasts to find, some of them to be packed in the rucksack, the rest to be boxed and sent in a parcel to Tyndrum, which should get us to Braemar, where supplies will be fine.

Kit tweaks are still to be finalised, boots cleaned and proofed and maps need to printed.

Tomorrow we have the PreChallengeLunch, and are expecting Lord E & Miss Whiplash and Darren 'call-me-a-helicopter' Christie over for some of Lynnie's excellent scoff. I am a keen follower of Darren's Blog and I see that he has dehydrated all his food, bought food over from the States and is strainng in the slips for the 'off'.

Along with Lord E's frightening efficiency, it seems that they are better prepared than I.

I must retire to Mission Control and make ready.


  1. Well I am sort of ready. Having been packing, unpacking, re packing food parcels. it is sort of scary to see the size of the food parcels. As it is I have shaved them down, mainly concentrating on main meals and breakfasts. Nibbles etc will be picked up enroute. There will be no yellow taxis this year. Dawn.

  2. Ah, Hello Dawn; perhaps the Joni Mitchell of the Chally?

    Darren will not be booking his 'Big Yellow Taxi' this year; he is on a strict non-alcolholic diet to hone his youthful physique to its peak. Last year's flu pandemic seesm to have passed him by this time around.

    He will be taking just the nine stoves so he will be nice and warm at night.

    Lord Elpus would like to know what you have shaved down, but is looking forward to your nibbles en-route.

    Have a good one Dawn, and look after the whipper-snapper - he's a good bloke.

  3. I am down to mountain house meals, granola and blueberry and oats for breakfast. Dehydrated mango and biltong. Hopefully I shall pickup some more cup a soups along the way and a few bars of chocolate. Dawn


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