
02 May 2009


After a pint of something tasty at Culloden I ambled round to have a look at the Clava Cairns; and I am glad I did. Fortunately I had them to myself as one mini-bus was leaving as I arrived and the next arrived as I left.

It's an atmospheric place enhanced by the Victorians having planted beech and birch trees to surround the site. There are three very large hollow cairns made of large cobbles and dressed stone ~ with a variety of stones used. Two of the cairns have narrow entrance passages, the central cairn is a solid ring. The visitor boards suggest reasons for the alignment of the cairns and also link them to the cairn at Corriemoney (near Struy). It's a fascinating place and well worth a look.

After the culture it was on to the meat of today's walk; no messing about, straight up Beinn Bhuide Mhor and then an exhilarating yomp across 5km of open moorland about 600m up. It sounds easy put like that but it was hard graft but the views and the feeling of isolation and space were magnificent. Lord Elpus would have loved it: Great route, fella!
I hit the track down off the moor spot on and then it was just a nice stroll down the track to this evenings stop in a little open bothy, which is very smart indeed.
My feet ache a bit with the bog hopping, but a good cup of tea is sorting them out. Tomorrow is a bigger day so I had better get a good night's rest. I have my bed all set up on the magnificent table, as this looks to be a bit of a frost pocket and tonight is going to be very cold.

A bloody great day ~ Good Planning, Phil!


  1. Glad you enjoyed the route, Al. Thursday looks slightly more 'challenging' - but there are pubs, champagne, caviar and dancing girls at the end of it...

    ...well, pubs anyway ;-D

  2. The dancing girls were luverley!can you sen them on to Dinnet for me?

    Good man!


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