
20 November 2012

Grrls and Boyz on the TGO Challenge

If you haven’t already found Mick Blackburn’s wonderful TGO Challenge statistics over on “M&G go for a Walk,” then before you do anything else, drop everything and wander over and take a look.

There will now be a short pause while we wait for those to go and read that post….


Okay. Back with us? Good. Fabulous, isn’t it? Right, now to the point of this post. My pal Humph saw Mick’s statistics and was horrified to note that Mick had missed a vital piece of data. He had forgotten about sex.

There are grrls and boyz that take part in the Challenge. Humph felt compelled to discover the differences between the sexes. This is vital work, and, for the modern Challenger, Humph delved deeply into the data. I will paste below the results of his statistical endeavours. You will need to click on the image to enlarge it.




  1. Surely while the men are entering, the women are just taking part?


    1. There is no competitive element to the event, Stef. All are participating with equal vigour and enthusiasm.

      It is possible for both grrls and boyz to work up quite a sweat on the climb to the summits.

    2. What about those who prefer to take the backroads rather than the more conventional ups and downs? Are their entries equally valid?

    3. It should also be noted participation can be performed singly, with a partner, or for more social types in groups of three or four.

    4. Thanks for that, Alan.

      Having never been a Challenger I've never fully understood the attraction of this ménage à trois cents until now. At last the mists of confusion are clearing and I can now start to appreciate why you're always "up for it".

      Further to that, I can now see the sense in having that "no dogs" rule.

  2. It's scientific data like this that is so important to get to grips with for outdoors enthusiasts Alan....We can always rely on you to educate us properly.....:-)


    1. Hello Sweetie!
      Thrusting journalism at its best, eh?

  3. Pink bars for girls and blue bars for boys. How non PC! (And I could add that I believe that any bar will do for Mr Sloman :)

    1. There will be no PC nonsense on this blog, thank you very much!

  4. Do we know the stats for challengers who have tried it with multiple partners? Either on different occasions, or at the same time?

    1. Indeed we do, Dave
      I have sent all the raw data to Mick Blackburn, the Challenge's Graphics Statistician.

      He now has enough data to number crunch every night for the long winter months.

  5. As for the "no dogs" rule - have any Challengers been forced to pull out for dogging it? And if so, how long must they wait before being allowed to enter again?

  6. Useful to see a list of challengers broken down by age and sex.

    1. Age and sex breaks most of us down in the end :-(

    2. And the "Comment of the Month" goes to OM.

      What a way to go...

    3. I am currently being broken down by age. Be nice if sex was the coup de grace. Be nice if it wasn't. Life is cruel.

  7. These comments are, in the main, really shabby.I simply wanted to point out that first-time women Challengers seem to come with enthusiasm and vigour. Whereas, in the grand scheme of things, the Boyz seem to pull out early. Of course many Veterans, both men and wonen, have come - in some cases - up to thirty times. I salute them!

    Some of these Veterans have come entirely solo - no mean feat, and an indication of their stamina. Others have come together with their partners - and certainly they embody the very Spirit of The Challenge. Whilst many of us find that the climax is reached in Montrose, there are those who take pleasure in unusual and particular places. Frankly, I welcome you all.

    1. I am very grateful that you cleared that up, Humph.
      Thank you.

  8. Never mind all that guff.

    I have a brilliant idea for a film. It needs funding, of course, but if Alan allows me to outline my plans I am sure the money will come flooding in. If they don't then Lloyds TSB will have to whistle for it.

    1. The floor is all yours, Peter.
      Don't tell me... Ultralight Z-A ..???

  9. How do I send a guest post ? Assuming it is accepted.

    1. If you email me your post in a Word format and I'll copy and paste it into a post Peter.

      You've seen the guff on here - Anything will be an improvement.

  10. All this entry stuff is, of course, a matter of perspective - the boyz will all regard it as a big thing, but I suspect that the grrls will say that there's very little in it.

    LOL @ OM!


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