
26 March 2009


OOH! The spell-checker didn't like the title of this post!

Well..... I have packed the Exos 46 for the very first time this evening, and amazingly it has all fitted in, quite easily. And that's with three days of food on board.

Robin has sent me the MWIS forecast, which is a bit crappy but hey ho - that's life isn't it? We shall also be meeting up with Gayle & Mick on Friday evening so there will be a whole bunch of bloggers, all walking which will make a change (for me anyway!)

I have packed some pretty foul weather gear (that is 'pretty foul' rather then 'pretty' gear - I don't do 'pretty') - my Paramo Velez, a Gore-tex jacket and my PHD down jacket as well, as Robin has us clambering up over the Glyderau and the Carneddau with "blizzards likely" according to the MWIS. It looks a bit better for Sunday but still pretty cold indeed on the tops so I shall be prepared.

Son Number Two has disappeared off to the Sahara for his Marathon des Sables and he has pinched the lightweight themarest but that's not a bad thing as I am taking my full length Exped Down mattress for a bit of snuggledom. I think he must have pinched my titanium spoon too so I am reunited with my old wooden spoon.  My Lightrek 4 carbon poles won't arrive for another few days, so its the old Leki Titaniums for this trip. For the first time, as an experiment, I have dispensed with a rucksack liner and have packed all the delicate stuff in their own Exped Drybags. It seems to have made for easier packing so I shall see if it works out okay over the trip.

I shall take the Nokia E90 so if there is an O2 signal I shall have a bash at posting a few things.

More tomorrow then - O2 willing.


  1. Good Man. I'll look out for any live updates of your adventure. Q. Why two waterproofs? Is Wales that wet?

  2. Hi Martin

    It's the blood pressure pills - they dilate the blood vessels on the way back to the heart so I feel the cold terribly! This way in normal bad weather the Velez copes but in nasty cold bad weather it acts as a mid-layer beneath the Gore-tex.
    That way I don't have to take the Velez off to put a mid layer beneath it to get warmer - a better solution for me.

  3. I was wondering whether those bloody pills have the same effect on me?

    Have a good trip.

  4. Alan I feel the cold a bit to be honest these days. Just got a Paramo top so don't know how I'll get on with it. Suppose if it is blowing a real stonker I can were my windproof shell under it? Anyway have a good walk and good time.

  5. Blood pressure tabs have the same effect on me. I go to bed with a hot water bottle and two warm dogs.
    Worabout the smell?
    Well, they don't seem to mind.
    It gets my fingers by the way, I can be sweating cobbers out of the forehead, but my fingers are blue and numb.
    I had a cracking time on the Carneddau last autumn, though. It'l be fab.

  6. They make you pong as well!!! And there I was worrying about the rash.

  7. Hi Alan, is this the backpackers club get together? If so we have just joined and were hoping to go to this one - especially as it's so close plus we have been planning to do the Glyders for some time.

    Unfortunately the lack of grass means my horses still need feeding and we're unable to get away overnight yet.

    Have a great time, and beware - Wales really IS that wet! I've been frozen in Snowdonia on many a mid summer trip!

    P.S I keep forgetting to reply to your interest in the newspaper article about why people feel the need for challenges. If you are happy to give me your email address then I'll scan the article and send it to you. My email address is on my profile page.

    All the best!


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