
04 April 2009


Flagons of soup simmering away in the kitchen: I am happy as there will be half a dozen portions of wonderful tasty nourishment over the next week or so.

With the chores merrily underway I slope off to Mission Control and idly peruse on-line emporia. It's on-line porn of the back-packing variety over at Bob Cartwright's shop; Backpackinglight

It started with just a pillow. My old Ajungilac blow-up pillow's zip had seized up completely and the air tube was damaged as well. Time for a new pillow. Time perhaps for a lighter pillow? In a matter of moments a new lighter pillow was in the shopping basket. And on top of the pleasure of new shiny things was also the frisson of excitement of shaving 89 grams from last year's TGO pack weight.

Onward! There followed pirouetting and free-wheeling around the aisles with the shopping trolley to pick up a folding titanium spork, a new three legged gas canister spider (I had snapped my old one in the Carneddau) a new Twist Razor (a chap has to look his best in the wilderness, you know) and, most importantly, a brand spanking new Platy Wine Preserve! This means that my Gigondas won't suffer degradation after I have poured it into the bladder so as not to carry the heavy glass bottle.

All this started me thinking - how did this year's pack weight compare to last year's?

The difference is a quite amazing 2040 grams - yes - that's 4 and a half pounds in real money! This year I am also a healthier half a stone lighter as well. It all augers well.


  1. Will be interested to hear how the Platy Wine Preserve gets on, thinking of buying this essential bit of kit myself! I have goodies winging there way to the North of Scotland, my resistance was low.

  2. Very glad to report that the Platy Preserve works great!!! I've had one for a few months now (Sept '08)and it transports wine & malt whisky very well (but not at the same time!).


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