I thought this was going to be a tough one when I looked at the map last night... If it sounds like this is a surprise to me, you must remember that Phil planned the route and I was happy to bimble along with him ~ after all said and done, he is quite good at it!
So I left my little estate bothy perched high above the Findhorn at 7:35 and that's quite early for me. It was already quite warm. The Findhorn River hereabouts is quite, quite serene and it almost seemed a shame to cross it ~ I should have lingered on the bankside and watched the oyster catchers. But instead, shamefully, I pressed on up the hill and over the top.
On the way down the other side a young man in an estate landrover (with rifle strapped behind his seat) pulled up alongside; he was looking to see how the grouse were doing and by all accounts they are doing well this year ~ he had seen quite a few nests where a dozen or so chicks had all hatched successfully. It was now a question of them surviving the predators.
Then it was a bit of a nightmare: I just could not find the path (and neither could two other Challengers, Ant & Doug, half a day ahead of me) so it was a very rough, tough bog hop for three miles until another LRT was reached. Plain sailing subsequently but I arrived at the campsite at Grantown a bit knackered.
I suppose this is what it's all about; a Challenge.
Anyway after 17.5 miles I am safe and well in a very good Indian Restaurant having bathed, washed the smalls and having rung 'Challenge Control'.
I must now look at tomorrow's route to see if I can have a 'lie-in'. Somehow, I doubt it!
So did you visit Chris when you were in Grantown-on-Spey? Or was he not home?
ReplyDeleteI think the young man in question may be on the Chally himself ~ I think he was on the first one 30 years ago. he os a biot of a God, rea.lly. i spent the evening in the Indian Reastaurant - which was superb.