
03 April 2010

Peebles to Moffat: Day 1: Evening

So, you were not expecting a report tonight, were you? i am surprised myself, but as we are squintillion zillions of feet up in the air, I think we must be hooked into satellite communications.

We eventually left Weebles after lunch and then started climbing ~ straight into snow. The stuff actually only looks sketchy at first glance but when you suddenly lurch / plummet downwards up to your goolies you realise it's a bit trickier than you first thought.

On the very few stretches that were snow-free we fairly scampered up hill. But the bulk of the walking has been taking it in turns to bash out a path whilst everyone else literally follows in your footsteps.

Hard going indeed! So we are camped up in the snow in as best a spot as we can find. A couple of miles short of our planned destination. The sunset was lovely and Peebles far below is now all lit up. A light drizzle on Wanda's cheeks as I have a wee taste of Glenlivet.

Tomorrow looks like being quite a tough day.


  1. MWIS say "Low cloud and patches of snow will lift and clear as a ridge of high pressure moves in from the west. Winds will be fairly light, especially across Scotland in the afternoon. The air will be very clear, and there will be bright sun." for Sunday.

    The Vicar who is coming must have fixed it for you. Wish I had come but I am having a rather nice time with the wife and no kids. Bliss and wonderful to be honest.

  2. No I didn't expect one. You two seem to have re-defined the notion of the 'training walk' :-)

    See you in a few weeks.

  3. Martin: Ta for the forecast - cheered me up no end!

    Andy: One day, all training walks will be like this. You will get it eventually!


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