
03 May 2010

An English Spring Evening


The runner beans are safely watered in, nestling beneath their Heath Robinson rigged canes. The cane frame is a bit better than previous years efforts, but not by much. It's the string, you see. Or that the ground is a bit lumpy. Perhaps the canes? They are a bit old and split and of varying lengths. But eleven little runner bean plants have been nurtured from seed and now reside in the newly dug vegetable patch.

Okay - my bit was just building the rickety wonky cane frame. The digging was dug heroically by Lynnie. But afterwards I needed a cup of tea and a quiet time in Mission Control.

Spring has definitely sprung. The view from Mission Control is all fresh and velvety once more. 


  1. Or that the ground is a bit lumpy.

    This may simply be a case of pre-Challenge anxiety. Don't mind your rickety wonky frame, if everything is well watered, it'll be fine, just fine.

  2. Good luck with the runner beans. Some time ago I planted 20 beans and harvested 9!
    But it must be spring! Up on The Rig Of Jarkness on Saturday and heard First Cuckcoo. Now back home and waiting for the sound of the First Icecream Van Jingle to confirm it.


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