or What a difference a day makes.
We had a lovely walk this afternoon, starting with two very well kept pints of Greene King IPA at the Pensioner’s Pub. We took in the ruin at Wimpole Hall and a couple of villages. One of the villages had had a pub that was turned into a Thai restaurant that was closed down because the waitresses weren’t just serving food to their customers. Interestingly it is about to reopen as a Chinese restaurant. I wonder what will be on the menu this time.
or What a difference a day makes.
We had a lovely walk this afternoon, starting with two very well kept pints of Greene King IPA at the Pensioner’s Pub. We took in the ruin at Wimpole Hall and a couple of villages. One of the villages had had a pub that was turned into a Thai restaurant that was closed down because the waitresses weren’t just serving food to their customers. Interestingly it is about to reopen as a Chinese restaurant. I wonder what will be on the menu this time.
It was a gorgeous winters day today: Hardly a cloud in the sky and no wind. And everyone seemed to be out for a walk. And not just the usual clutch of ramblers either (we classify ‘ramblers’ as the older walkers who have their trousers tucked into their socks – possibly unkindly) All ages and in groups of happy smiling young adults. That’s strange for Cambridgeshire. I don’t know why. Answers on a post card please.
On top of that and there were a couple of lovely emails waiting for me for walking partners for a couple of days in March on the walk and an offer of a bed in the southwest.
The world is a bright happy place again.
I suppose with the pressure of getting everything sorted for the walk, an elderly Mum in a spot of health trouble and life’s usual round of knock-backs and slip-ups, you are bound to get down once in a while. So it’s always heartening when things start going right again.
Chin Up Sloman and Get On With It!
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