
01 March 2007

Great Britain 1

I was in the 'Lime Tree' tonight (a wonderful little restaurant) and I met a lady already well through her starter. She is one of a kind: Angela, from Newlyn. A retired teacher still young at heart who still felt she had something left.
She is a grandmother and is about to rent out her house for two years and is going to Vietnam to teach children from a tribe in the mountains to be teachers so that their children don't have to walk for three and a half hours to go to school. The tribe were originally itinerant, but who have lately settled down in the mountains, sort of Mongolian ethnically.
What sort of experience had she to do this? For the last few years of teaching over here she had been dealing with travellers and the problems with educating children that were constantly moving on.
She will be the only Brit in that location and to meet some more she will have a thirteen hour trip on the bus to Hanoi.
She left at nine to go to her last poetry evening for two years.


  1. A couple of suggestions from those tracking your trip Alan:-
    1) Put some sort of daily and total mileage counter in each day's entry,
    eg: Today 19.3 Total 345.6 Miles.

    2) And/or read off the evening lat/long from your GPS and blog that, since I'm assuming you can't provide a map of where you are each day.

    3) a daily landscape photo?


  2. Daily drink counter would be neat ...


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