
07 August 2007

New Blog

Perhaps this is a scoop?

Shirl has started a blog. She has had an excellent website covering all manner of her various interests for quite a few years and so it is great to see she is now blogging - with some quite thought provoking posts already.

As far as I can see so far her blog will cover a whole range of topics.

You can find the link to her blog; 'Peewiglet's Plog,' on my 'Great Places to Visit' list, as well as her website; 'Peewiglets Website'

Welcome to the mad-house Shirl!


  1. Hello! I reckon you're actually Sherlock Sloman in disguise!!

    Many thanks for your warm welcome :) I'm rapidly sussing out where other peeps are blogging, and adding them to the list. It's everywhere!!!

  2. You could try:

    I would imagine you will find quite a few friends in there!


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