
30 March 2009


It's the spelling, see. This Nokia doesn't do Welsh place names and I believe on my last post I had given this lovely mountain an extra 'l' that I am sure it didn't need.

So, Welsh honour has been satisfied and I apologise unreservedly for this appalling slight. That's better, see, look you?

When I get back home I will add a few more pictures to today's entries, though you will all probably get very bored looking at luscious mountains in their best frocks. We clambered over some smashing places and never once threw any snowballs.

There were some lovely looking ladies out on the mountains today; I think they didn't fall in love with me as I had Robin as a companion. Next time I shall have to come here with an ugly bloke, then perhaps they will all swoon and make mad passionate love to me. I know - I shall take Phil as he can look grim when clambering up big mountains.

We are now parked up in an intruiging spot, where all about us there are trees rooted in nothing more than soild rock. But the soil we are camped upon is rich and firm, beneath what must have been, a long time ago, a pretty little house. Skylarks, ravens and crows have been our background music with the occassional rush of the mountain wind section. The sun has now slid behind the iron cold hills and so I shall send this tomorrow when I get a phone signal.

A bloody magnificent mountain day.


  1. Another person that I am the ideal walking partner for. ^__^
    I make you and Phil look good!
    Besides did those young ladies not know you are a Challenger, which makes you one of the most desirable men on the planet?

  2. Reminds me of the first time I went to Snowdonia around 1970. I was travelling up the Llanberis Pass on a bus when a guy opposite me suddenly piped up, 'do you speak Welsh?'I told him that I didn't and that I spoke only English as that was my native language. He looked disgusted but shut up. But like you observed I didn't feel at all welcome. Strange how Scotland and Ireland are such welcoming countries but Wales clearly still had an identity problem. I've never been asked that same question in The Gaeltacht areas of Ireland for example :) Des

  3. The bit I don't get is road signs that warn you in Welsh first. According to the 2001 census. 582,368 persons over 3 were able to speak Welsh – 20.8% of the population. So 79.2% of the rest cant understand the road signs as well. I wonder if they get ignored in pubs as well?

  4. Whereas 100% of the population understand english. It's all a conspiracy by the Guild of Signmakers (it's them that put all those extra letters in the welsh language, you know - they get paid by the consanant).


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