
12 July 2009

MORNINGTON CRESCENT (south downs rules)

Bushy Bottom
Thunders Barrow
Skeleton Hovel
Mossy Bottom
Winding Bottom
Hogtrough Bottom
Fulking (16 rules apply here)
Cockroost Hill
Perching Hill
Big Bottom(no cross-overs allowed on Sundays)
WickhurstBarns (sorry ~ thats a cheap trick)
Wellcombe Bottom
Ah! Fulking Hill!


  1. Um... you're joking, right?

    Mornington Crescent!!!

    (I know you must have seen it, but even so: I couldn't resist :)

  2. I still can't get a copy of that boardgame on eBay!

  3. To continue this game we might need to pop of to the Edburton post, where Andrew has continued with an accusation of an illegal move!

    Don't worry Duncan, I understand that the game will shortly be available to download from the fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square.


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